VaLUENTiS launched its Venture Build Studio (VVS) in 2015, using its in-house talent and experience to drive the latest in entrepreneurial innovation. Venture building is the term given to creating a business from scratch initially using in-house expertise, resources and capital.
VaLUENTiS has created its own playbook in venture creation from identifying business ideas ‘ideation’ – choosing an ‘opportunity space’ which in turn generates a business research project and related service-design prototype concepts.
Ideation is a combination of its previous organic entrepreneurship and expertise/talent and through a rigorous process methodology leads to cultivating a business plan to execute.
VVS is also responsible for team acquisition, start-up capital and management/ governance and growth objectives. To help, VVS makes use of existing shared services to keep overheads low and ‘tight-fit’.
VVS also makes use of extensive methodologies and learning processes to facilitate the target Venture Build project.
Portfolio to date: